Some call life on earth the Matrix. Web, grid, matrix are basically just words. It is the meaning that gives the connotation of time and reality. The explanations may not be accurate enough for the common reader with an eighth grade education but that was the level of knowledge restored to readers by the government levels set in time before I became a technical writer on earth. The web can be considered the Electronic Internet Web (EIW) or it can be much more in the spiritual sense of the word web. I am about sharing how to bend time as a time traveler that believes in extraterrestrials, unidentified flying objects, and God. Let me explain why. First we have to all want to live and learn. Living to learn is the basic ingredient of what we do and who we are as individual units. We call these units at this time body-mind-spirits or intelligent beings belonging to the bi-peddle species.
We use the Web for being human. The web is a grid in space time that houses all matter. Matter can be related to light, dark, antimatter, particles, ultraviolet, sound, magnetic pulses, energy, god particle, and all that is or ever will become. This is a broad spectrum of theory of analysis. Throwing thoughts out to the universe is part of the web and is caught in what we now refer to as a space time grid of the ET UFO GOD. Sounds like some science fiction words. Let me explain. There will be many lessons forthcoming that we have to understand before we can get past the string theory. Many of the people who are not interested in life, matter, space time continuum and cannot understand the language created by scientists will have to use the word God for the understanding they will get from these goods and service upon delivery. There is no guarantee that what this writer intended to convey in communication was accepted with the same meaning and terms by the receiver.
The basic energy from one unit to another can be sent as a sending unit. The basic energy of the one unit that is receiving can be seen as a receiving unit. There are other parts of the mathematical equation in algorithms that has to be considered that does effect the source of all things, including time in the grid or web of which all the met verses as met verses or multiverses exist. We must first realize that our way of being and thinking is based on what our species created long before we came to earth. The thought process of sending and receiving energy became linear or on a time line created by others. This was based on how the world seems to change based on the location in space. The earliest of our species kept up with change on earth based on nature and how their need to fulfill certain basic needs were met. The ones who came to earth before us and in the oldest terms of reality that are kept in the oral and written laws, stories, and rules were of the hunters and gatherer types.
We referred to the oldest known beings in various terms and words in what we now refer to as anthropology and archaeology. I work in an area called ontology. The meaning of being in words. Therefore, words are tools of my trade in order to communicate as a technical writer for teaching in art, culture, education, and folklife.
Words cause explosions of neurons, protons, electrons, and chemicals firing at the synapses of brains that work where we keep our minds and thoughts.
We can thank our religions on earth for assisting us to get this far in life with words and time. It was the monks at one time on earth that borrowed from the Greeks and brought the dripping water clocks into their lives during the Middle Ages so they would know when certain prayers were to be performed.
Clocks were made from sun dials as the sun crossed the sky, water dripping slowly from a vessel, and even candles burning through markers. Then there were the balance wheels weights and pendulums. We then had a breakthrough from the mechanical wheels into quartz clocks which have electronically induced vibrations of quartz crystal. This is not all that we use quartz crystal for because we use it in sound and in laser technology but that is another story. It was approximately 1949 two years before I came to earth that atomic clocks were accepted with microwave resonance as atoms and now here I am. The Book called Boom Goes Sonic Reality is just one achievement you are reading now as the future optical atomic clock of ultraviolet resonance of atoms while we bend time and thoughts to explain the future. There will be time on earth that will allow us to feel the future in ways that we can understand the way that life is to become in the next evolution of our species.
There are those of us knowing that we are part of the inventions that have not yet been done. We are part of whatever the mind can believe and conceive it can achieve. I am here to assist everyone in improving communication of space navigation and science, physics, and technology with a new way to think in the WEB. We are all here to be a part of those spirits that will descend to earth in the future. We are the creators working together as spirit synergistically as one unit.
God can be anything one wants God to be. God can be an acronym for Good on Delivery. God is a real part of each being, each unit of energy. God is what holds our thoughts together inside of our body-mind-spirit. God is so much more than what we have been led to believe on earth. God is a word with the meaning of all.
The story of GOD has been one that has never dissipated as energy. God then we can accept as the one word that has the most powerful meaning on earth. The second most powerful word is the Holy Spirit. For those who were brought up and programmed to believe in a religion, most will have some type of familiarity as to what the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost means to their family and friends. Each culture and peer group has their own way of understanding words that are used in common.
When we speak of God, the energy becomes exhilarated. There are beings that do not believe in a God or the word God but when one mentions the word God even an atheist will feel the charge the energy that flows forth to and from the person speaking the word to the world. The energy that is charged in the word GOD is the most powerful word we own in the world today. There are over 2 names for the word God on this planet we call earth and counting. Yes, we are still inventing new ways to speak the meaning of the word God. I say God is an alien in an essay or story for an electronic magazine on the Internet for UFO Digest and it’s owner Dirk Vander Ploeg and there were comments that were filled with positive and negative words. Words that had meaning. Words that had emotions.
Just like time on earth regarding how we live on a daily basis, there are words that affect all of us on a daily basis. Words are for most beings on earth how we communicate. Words represent our spirit and our souls when we use them. Words are our way of communicating with one another. Words are how old and sustaining stories come to life. Words are what can give credence to our souls in life. The surface of our own atmosphere can be changed with the way we dress up our physical bodies.
Words can be dressed up as well. The surface of who we are, what we are, when we are, where we are, why we are, and sometimes how much energy we are can be deceiving to others. The Cradle of Civilization Book is the promise that will shake up the source of what life represents to those who lived a memorable life on earth. Most of us will never achieve the level of existence that Jesus or Mohamed did while here on earth. They were said to be chosen mouthpieces of prophets of God. Free speech is a wonderful part of our being that goes with free will. Then there is free choice the freedom to choose. Otherwise, we could not function as separate units of energy or spirit in a body-mind-spirit vessel of containment unit.
God is where the body-mind-spirit meets the mind. Jesus once said that it was the mind that stands between the spirit and the physical body. Let me say that he said it and meant this in a time when people were trying to grasp what he was teaching about people above earth. It was a challenging and daunting task. Teachers that have come and gone in the body-mind-physical form on earth are sometimes referred to as seers and avatars. Some are said to be obtaining information where they visit in meditation while still existing in body-mind-spirit on earth. They do this with their spirit energy. The spirit energy is the one part of God that flows in all of us. God is the word accepted as the part of us that deals with the Holy Spirit. Jesus was predicted as the coming of God to earth once again. It was passed down as a story on earth in oral and written form that there would be a time when those in heaven or celestial stellar space would return to earth to walk with our species.
Many people who know me as a psychic, seer, oracle are happy to share their time with me. We don’t speak of God. We speak of time. Time now is about mind bending and bending time. There is only way that I will be available to assist others in the future and that is on the Internet Computer. At one time in life I was trying to explain to others in business how computers worked before they existed. This made others look at me funny. I got into a time slot where I forgot my manners and did not remember what time frame I was in as a time traveler. I was in Honolulu, Hawaii and needed my corporation computer to speak to the computers in my office in Los Angeles, New York and Atlanta. I had others in Dallas that needed to know what I desired in the eco-fashion business that I had created. I was giving orders to my accountant who was adding software and a modem to my computer in 1990. He was listening to me explain how it could be done and it made sense to him. He forgot what he was supposed to be doing charging me an hourly fee and began listening to my needs and what I expected of him and my computer. He then after being considerably intrigued explained to me that I was ahead of my time and that what I asked was not possible. I asked him why not and he explained to me that what I desired had not been invented yet. He explained to me that he had heard from very secretive reliable sources that is was in the making and said I must have heard the same thing since I worked for the government at the time. This was a wake up call to me. I had once again crossed over in my mind and in time where mind bending thought effects space and time in my own world.
We all have a world in which we live. I call mine the TJ Morris Media World for obvious reasons. This is not accurate enough but it serves the purpose when one has to relate to others in real time about thoughts that are non-existent in their public lives. My restless soul sometimes connects the dots before they are ready to be connected and revealed to outside sources in my world. Sometimes I get anxious and want to speed up my reality on this planet. I sometimes forget that change takes time.
For those that want more in the TAKEN UP Series presented by myself and Dirk Vander Ploeg, one will simply have to tune in. This idea was from others before Dirk wanting me to tell my story on how I became a psychic medium oracle while being visited by aliens making me a contactee. The book that American Book Publishers is sending me a contract for is based on all my alien contact experiences. Added to these of course will be the last chapter that speaks of UFO Digest and how I became known in the public eye as an Alien Contactee in the ET UFO paranormal community. The readers of mine are getting to know me as a being first hand by reading the articles I write. This is a good way to get a feel for a spirit that abides on earth with another while here in this plane of existence. Savor the moments we have should be understood. Living to learn and learning to live is the task up for grabs by us all. After all the one thing we all have in common is energy synergistically spiritually as one as in God.
We -Members of the Alien Hybrid Club
By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
We are changing. We are not a threat to the universe. We are simply ahead of the intelligent beings on earth called humans. There was first male and female before there were humans as man and woman. Somewhere along the line, in the global scheme of intelligence that apparently was overcome by the humankind gendered as male, the male of the species decided to delete the portions of prophecy and leadership that followed after that of Diana the female goddess. We suppose that had something to do with the mating rituals. After the meetings with Constantine there was a deletion panel of not so expert that gathered to decide what words should be allowed and what words should not be allowed to be shared among church and state in leadership positions.
One might compare this with the cultural ritual on the Northern American continent as one of leadership competition. One has only to stretch the imagination a little to compare that time with the Obama and Clinton debates happening now on earth for all intelligent beings to observe. At a time when there has a large need for communication, why is there now male and female information struggling to come forth at this time and dispensation on earth? This is a symbolic structure placed for other beings to learn about observation and exploration much like those who are considered alien hybrids. Most of us are sent in time to be in the world but not of the world. We are here to be peaceful explorers who simply observe and do our research.
We cannot intervene or interfere with the world leadership development. We cannot approve or disapprove. It is similar to the rules of being a journalist or reporter on earth. We are here to simply explore, observe, and sometimes teach and learn. We are researchers, investigators, reporters, journalists, writers, and we also work with intelligence procurement and procedures. We assist in mapping our the best course of action while working with the prime objective and the mission of updating earth’s intelligence reports. We are field observers.
We as human beings and alien hybrids on earth are simply part of the earth’s evolutionary process. Accept that the one constant in the universe is change and let this be your mindset to cooperate with what is natural and obvious as part of who we are as an intelligent species on earth. We are the alien ufos contact evolution revolution.
We are better known as the Golden Era of Communication Technology. If Moses offered a new world with the law of ten commandments, and Jesus offered to save the world and the golden rule, then the Golden Era is about communication with one another. We are not necessarily of one thought, one religion, one science, one church and one state. We now recognize each individual as a separate unit.
We each have a role to play in the universal scheme of things. We are becoming. We are evolving. We are changing our whole philosophy of who we are, why we are here, and where we are going when we leave this earth. We are not willing to let others make decisions for us. Therefore, we are speaking to others outside of our own human bodies. We are reaching out to communicate with one another. This is now a possibility and no longer can the family, schools, churches, community, region, state, country, continent, geographical landline location harbor you from what is across the water that makes up three quarters of this world.
We are now finally able to communicate our likes and differences and shall come to an agreement without the past flaws of being separated because of vast differences that were placed on earth in the old way that was ruled by human beings only! We now have hope for the future because enough of us reached out, and above! We no longer have to depend on the way it once was on earth. We can now thank those who saw the communication technology freedom of the Internet and world wide web.
We must not forget our past but honor our ancestors for all that they had to endure to get the world to this point. Not necessarily being ignorant but, being held back from change and the future. Thousands of years have come and gone on earth. There have been many physical beings on earth who have came and went without knowing what we now know today! Many who were willing to fight for religious and human rights died in civil wars, world wars, and religious wars. This has to end. There will not be tolerance in the future of continents and countries fighting each other over greed and stealth. Nuclear technology has opened the door to new arrangements with other intelligent beings outside our galaxy.
We have always been monitored on earth. We have had certain people on their path or quest acknowledged by others of the High Council and the Supreme Beings. Not all intelligent beings were significant enough to make a connection to the High Council and the Supreme Beings. Those that did, have to give up their understanding of what they think their lives are about so that they could completely submit to the higher consciousness.
Each person was called. Each human being on earth was chosen when they were given their spiritual chance to evolve in a human vessel. Not everyone climbed out of the ever human changing abyss of what it is to be human on earth. Many of us had to climb up and realize that we were more than just a physical body on a planet that was born and would die and what happened in between was just the way it was because our ancestors were taught to live a certain way. We did learn from our ancestors over a period of time and we did finally begin to wake up!
We have finally reached a pentacle in time on earth where we can all wake up! We can all decide to wake up to the fact that we are all in the same boat! Whether some believe it is too fast or too slow, we must all recognize that we are all on the same moving planet through space. Time as we know it on earth does not apply to those in other worlds. We will still have to use some of the human earth old ways until we merge the old and the new ways through a process of about twenty years.
The new era on earth will begin as promised with the earth date of December 21, 2012. This will give us time on earth to get use to the changes through December 21, 2032. There are many variations n a theme as to what will occur in this portion of earth’s history.
We may evolve in a much faster pattern now than in past centuries on earth. There is a way this time on earth to progress and to keep each other in check and balance with other intelligent beings that are wanting to monitor and explore our progress.
The alien UFOs are simply artificial intelligence spacecraft that are flown by intelligent beings not of this earth. They have always been a part of earth’s past and history. We just were not ready as a critical mass to acknowledge their part in our evolutionary process of being. We as humankind on earth have been told only some of the truth about our history and our past and much was left out by those in power in church and state that were making decisions for the masses. This is in the past.
We no longer need to have church and state making the larger decisions for the critical mass. It is the individual units of intelligent beings that will and can now see their own past and their own future for themselves. Each intelligent being will now be held accountable for knowing and being educated with technological communication devices. Together we share in the future, divided as individual units but able to correctly make decisions based on how we properly form our own conclusions of how we can communicate and be more than simply survivors of earth.
We accept that there will always be natural cataclysms that we may refer to as natural catastrophes on earth and other planets. We accept that there are other places to visit and explore in this universe. We accept that there are other intelligent beings in the universe, other creations of the Creator. We accept that there are those who we can only encourage to evolve and accept change. We accept those we cannot.
Therefore, regardless of who intelligent beings approve with their individual and electoral votes for President elect, there will be much planning for change and takeover procedures for a new government and democracy with global change and the United Nations. We will now enter into a global economy and each continent will now be responsible for it’s own resources until the alien high council intervenes. There has always been alien use of earth resources. Crystals are needed for lasers.
We -Members of the Alien Hybrid Club
By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
We are changing. We are not a threat to the universe. We are simply ahead of the intelligent beings on earth called humans. There was first male and female before there were humans as man and woman. Somewhere along the line, in the global scheme of intelligence that apparently was overcome by the humankind gendered as male, the male of the species decided to delete the portions of prophecy and leadership that followed after that of Diana the female goddess. We suppose that had something to do with the mating rituals. After the meetings with Constantine there was a deletion panel of not so expert that gathered to decide what words should be allowed and what words should not be allowed to be shared among church and state in leadership positions.
One might compare this with the cultural ritual on the Northern American continent as one of leadership competition. One has only to stretch the imagination a little to compare that time with the Obama and Clinton debates happening now on earth for all intelligent beings to observe. At a time when there has a large need for communication, why is there now male and female information struggling to come forth at this time and dispensation on earth? This is a symbolic structure placed for other beings to learn about observation and exploration much like those who are considered alien hybrids. Most of us are sent in time to be in the world but not of the world. We are here to be peaceful explorers who simply observe and do our research.
We cannot intervene or interfere with the world leadership development. We cannot approve or disapprove. It is similar to the rules of being a journalist or reporter on earth. We are here to simply explore, observe, and sometimes teach and learn. We are researchers, investigators, reporters, journalists, writers, and we also work with intelligence procurement and procedures. We assist in mapping our the best course of action while working with the prime objective and the mission of updating earth’s intelligence reports. We are field observers.
We as human beings and alien hybrids on earth are simply part of the earth’s evolutionary process. Accept that the one constant in the universe is change and let this be your mindset to cooperate with what is natural and obvious as part of who we are as an intelligent species on earth. We are the alien ufos contact evolution revolution.
We are better known as the Golden Era of Communication Technology. If Moses offered a new world with the law of ten commandments, and Jesus offered to save the world and the golden rule, then the Golden Era is about communication with one another. We are not necessarily of one thought, one religion, one science, one church and one state. We now recognize each individual as a separate unit.
We each have a role to play in the universal scheme of things. We are becoming. We are evolving. We are changing our whole philosophy of who we are, why we are here, and where we are going when we leave this earth. We are not willing to let others make decisions for us. Therefore, we are speaking to others outside of our own human bodies. We are reaching out to communicate with one another. This is now a possibility and no longer can the family, schools, churches, community, region, state, country, continent, geographical landline location harbor you from what is across the water that makes up three quarters of this world.
We are now finally able to communicate our likes and differences and shall come to an agreement without the past flaws of being separated because of vast differences that were placed on earth in the old way that was ruled by human beings only! We now have hope for the future because enough of us reached out, and above! We no longer have to depend on the way it once was on earth. We can now thank those who saw the communication technology freedom of the Internet and world wide web.
We must not forget our past but honor our ancestors for all that they had to endure to get the world to this point. Not necessarily being ignorant but, being held back from change and the future. Thousands of years have come and gone on earth. There have been many physical beings on earth who have came and went without knowing what we now know today! Many who were willing to fight for religious and human rights died in civil wars, world wars, and religious wars. This has to end. There will not be tolerance in the future of continents and countries fighting each other over greed and stealth. Nuclear technology has opened the door to new arrangements with other intelligent beings outside our galaxy.
We have always been monitored on earth. We have had certain people on their path or quest acknowledged by others of the High Council and the Supreme Beings. Not all intelligent beings were significant enough to make a connection to the High Council and the Supreme Beings. Those that did, have to give up their understanding of what they think their lives are about so that they could completely submit to the higher consciousness.
Each person was called. Each human being on earth was chosen when they were given their spiritual chance to evolve in a human vessel. Not everyone climbed out of the ever human changing abyss of what it is to be human on earth. Many of us had to climb up and realize that we were more than just a physical body on a planet that was born and would die and what happened in between was just the way it was because our ancestors were taught to live a certain way. We did learn from our ancestors over a period of time and we did finally begin to wake up!
We have finally reached a pentacle in time on earth where we can all wake up! We can all decide to wake up to the fact that we are all in the same boat! Whether some believe it is too fast or too slow, we must all recognize that we are all on the same moving planet through space. Time as we know it on earth does not apply to those in other worlds. We will still have to use some of the human earth old ways until we merge the old and the new ways through a process of about twenty years.
The new era on earth will begin as promised with the earth date of December 21, 2012. This will give us time on earth to get use to the changes through December 21, 2032. There are many variations n a theme as to what will occur in this portion of earth’s history.
We may evolve in a much faster pattern now than in past centuries on earth. There is a way this time on earth to progress and to keep each other in check and balance with other intelligent beings that are wanting to monitor and explore our progress.
The alien UFOs are simply artificial intelligence spacecraft that are flown by intelligent beings not of this earth. They have always been a part of earth’s past and history. We just were not ready as a critical mass to acknowledge their part in our evolutionary process of being. We as humankind on earth have been told only some of the truth about our history and our past and much was left out by those in power in church and state that were making decisions for the masses. This is in the past.
We no longer need to have church and state making the larger decisions for the critical mass. It is the individual units of intelligent beings that will and can now see their own past and their own future for themselves. Each intelligent being will now be held accountable for knowing and being educated with technological communication devices. Together we share in the future, divided as individual units but able to correctly make decisions based on how we properly form our own conclusions of how we can communicate and be more than simply survivors of earth.
We accept that there will always be natural cataclysms that we may refer to as natural catastrophes on earth and other planets. We accept that there are other places to visit and explore in this universe. We accept that there are other intelligent beings in the universe, other creations of the Creator. We accept that there are those who we can only encourage to evolve and accept change. We accept those we cannot.
Therefore, regardless of who intelligent beings approve with their individual and electoral votes for President elect, there will be much planning for change and takeover procedures for a new government and democracy with global change and the United Nations. We will now enter into a global economy and each continent will now be responsible for it’s own resources until the alien high council intervenes. There has always been alien use of earth resources. Crystals are needed for lasers.
Dear Rose:I have not called you that in a long time; but that is how I always remember you! Your story that I was a boy at the crucifixion I had never heard before. Perhaps you know more about this and could let me hear it?I have had a problem for sometime in that I cannot go to church without sitting there and crying. I don't know why this happens, but we don't go to church anymore. However, this is due to the fact that we have only had bad experiences with church people that are long on playing the Christian and short on the real thing! You are so right in what you say about our churches today - they are not at all what Jesus intended.I have never been able to access my other lives, although I am sure at some point I was an Indian and Marv thinks he was also. One time we were at the National Park in Aztex NM and they had told us that in the winter when it was too cold to bury the dead they put them into a room until Spring. When I entered this room I had a difficult time breathing and had to immediately go outside.The weather is warming up a little here, so we will soon be off to the mountains and golfing again. This is a trivial pursuit, but this is how Marv chooses to spend his days so long as his health permits! He has been working on the golf cart to be sure it is in tip top shape!Love, Sally
American Culture International Relations
Theresa J. Morris
Thanks to our readers our reader statistics have quadrupled. Thanks for being strong and as NEO and TRINITY would say, “Thanks for taking the BLUE PILL instead of the RED PILL.” It takes courage to stand up and be counted among those who read the websites by “TJ” Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris. I know - I am she! It takes all the strength I can muster to be in the knowingness of my soul and not bouncing back to my comfort zone where I feel safe! Thanks for the support!
I KNOW THAT IT TAKES TIME TO WRITE A BOOK. I ALSO KNOW THAT IT NEEDS TO BE GREAT. The one thing that I have not had is a lot of time on earth. My 2007 book is done but in pieces here and there. I have already outgrown the information. However, there are many who will rely on this information to be a step in the right direction on their path or paths. Some of us will take the road less traveled. Some of us will use books to keep from stumbling on the rocks in the road.
Theresa Morris , Rose the Alien Contactee
Author - Promoter
“Alien Civilization’s Exist!”
I founded UFO Association to network for others who may have experienced seeing aliens and/or UFOs on earth. Regardless of the encounter, I am an advocate for people who have experienced the paranormal. Sally Hester was the lady I met at the Roswell UFO Museum and Research Center, in Roswell, New Mexico, USA.
I believe that we are here for a purpose and I myself have experienced past lives, near death experiences, and had alien contact. I believe that we are not alone in the universe and that I am not alone when it comes to knowledge of my experiences and why I was contacted.
It is my goal in life to continue to investigate why I was contacted and what I am suppose to do with this information.
The understanding that I am different from many has become a reality.
I do my best not to use my talents regarding “PSYCHIC” abilities but from time to time, I am asked to spread the knowledge and awareness that these talents are in us all.
This may be the reason for my being at this time on earth. I do have an open mind and heart and believe that we are all made up of spirit and soul first and are later joined with physical mind and body.
The experiences I have had on board a spacecraft not of this earth is what has kept me going when my faith in religion has dwindled.
This may be a topic meant for ART BELL and his late night show.
I hope that as you visit me each week that you accomplish something wonderful inside your mind and body. I am constantly growing closer toward you which makes life on earth much easier. I hope to meet all of you someday and until then, thank you for sharing life and making my dreams come true.
I am sure that it will be time to share the “BOOK” with you all soon! I am working on it! We shall share what our writers group wants to add in our book. If you would like to be part of the book that Sally Hester began that includes her Rose story about Sara, then please join our writer’s group. We share our thoughts with others.
SHARING BEING DIFFERENTASCENSION WRITERS GROUP By: Kathinka Kirchheim, NetherlandsOnce upon a time I came back to earth after many lives, returning to fulfill a need. The need to learn and to give all I knew and gathered throughout my lives. While being a child I learned there were spirits and influences all around us. As a child, I learned to talk to these spirits. I wondered how the universe worked with all creatures not seen by many of us. I learned that this included strange flying ships others called UFO’s with reports of strange beings and I learned about our Mother Earth.I found out there are many people who had deep feelings like I did and we were called empathic or empaths for short. We seemed to be somewhat misunderstood in this world called Mother Earth. There were others who were in trouble because they felt like me and did not fit in to the normal scheme of things, and they wanted answers to their questions.Instead of explaining what I had learned from past lives on earth over and over again, I decided that I would search for answers to my own questions and assist others to find answers for their questions instead.I decided that I liked these different people and met some on the Internet and could publish on the Internet as soon it was available for me. That is the reason I started the website
By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
I want to share with others that our essence and our existence are two separate things, and that one is spiritual and one is physical the way our creator intended life to be on earth, in this galaxy and in others that were created with life in our creator‘s images!
Medieval Philosophy has been a topic on earth since human beings have. To write well on any topic these days is foreboding. There is something about ancient history, the dead sea scrolls, and all other ancient codex that lends to our culture of today as well as formally outlaying our past history and philosophies about life on earth. Now, we are in the process of making room for a new world with new history and philosophies. I call it the anew new world and choose to express my views and opinions on the other side of 2012.
Anew means once more or again. I use this word anew facetiously because in ways that I have experienced in my time on earth, there is only so many ways to say what has already been said through all time and eternity. But, it is also said that when the student is ready the master will appear. As a student and a teacher of life, I am willing to share what I have received as a gift from my creator. I wasn’t always so sharing of my thoughts. But, one day, a black man in Hawaii, called me to my humbling ego and id self and brought me down to the size of an ant on earth. He was not an educated man in the way we think of educated in this day and time, but this was about they year of 1992. He was in a half way house that was started by my spouse at the time. This black man was a tenet of ours.
This man new the Bible but could not read or write without having some guidance. But one would never have known this small thing. This many was very spiritual and as we use to say in the south, a man of God. Although he would never say that he was a teacher, I believe he was one of mine. We were among several men and I was the only woman as the wife of the owner of this half way house for men who were practicing their sobriety and attending their alcoholic anonymous meetings. Many in their day were taught to drink strong drink during their lives and it was a way to share a social event in pubs in Hawaii. Many were prior military and could remember times of war and suffering on earth. It was a time when we were acting as stewards more my spouse than I . I was simply an observer and being one who had not been a partaker of strong drink, nor a recovering alcoholic I considered myself an outsider. Now I had been raised as a child around some humans in the past who did drink beer and so I could tell when adults became intoxicated. But, I had excluded myself from this group. The spouse at the time, had no reason for me to be in the meetings other than as his respected wife who added to financial support as I did work for the government at the time. I had a regular routine and cared about my career. I did genuinely care about others but, I did not see that I had a place in society for caring to share with others my own thoughts and opinions. It wasn’t time for me to share me. Or so I thought. This black man, this sweet spiritual soul was chosen by our Creator to explain some of the facts of life on earth to me personally. It was among these ten or twelve men.
A man once said to me, “You are a woman who has authority on earth. It shows in the way you carry yourself, and we all know what you do for our government. You are able to assist others everyday in your job. But, you never speak and share yourself with us. I appreciate all you do to assist us around the house and financially, but, you are a fine woman with a gift. God put you here on earth with a gift. It is obvious to me that when God gives others these gifts, that they should share them. I do not mean your career or your finances, I mean your ability to have insight. You are a seer, and to some are considered a psychic medium. You said you do not like the name psychic medium and that you do not relate to the word prophecy. But, God did always have those on earth who he gave a gift of too in all times on earth. I personally believe that you are special and have a gift to help others. I think you should help others because God has given you this gift. That is why you are here. Someday, you will realize what I am saying. You have a responsibility to the rest of us here one earth. You have the responsibility for sharing what you know because God has chosen you and that is the way it is. Many are called but few are chosen. You have been called and you are chosen.” Needless to say, I didn’t know what to say. I was caught by surprise and had no idea of what I was to say in return. I know I said something, like thank you or I will try to help others in the future. Something like that. But, to this day, I have never forgotten those two or three minutes of my life with that man. I can still see him sitting on the corner of the couch in his dress shirt and khakis. He was leaning forward toward me and spoke so timely, soft, and meaningful. It caught me as if I was in a trance. I had always been a spiritual person, and had actually studied the AA book and the Bible by myself and with others. My spouse and one of my daughters had me got o an AA meeting with them just so that I would understand what it was like for them. I learned that people with an addiction were always having a hard time with struggle of their spirit with an addiction in life on earth. This was something that caused deep insight into the mind, body, spirit, and soul. I admired these people. I was blessed with not having an addictive condition, and I learned that this was a blessing. I also learned that certain people with certain addictive genes in their physical makeup had it harder than me. I began searching for ways to fit in with this group of people who had certain addictions. There was not really anyway to fit in. But, I did know that I enjoyed my coffee and specially in Hawaii where I could get Kona coffee. So, I figured that this must be a very light case of addiction to caffeine. I was told that it wasn’t at all the same.
But, what I did learn is that there is always hope for self and others to get a new look at things. Looking at what makes us spiritual and what separates us from others was a way to get to know other human beings and to share ourselves on earth. Not our career, not our finances, or even our hobbies, but, ourselves, and our spirits with other human beings.
I will always be thankful to that old black man, my family on earth, my former spouse, and my four daughters who have been my greatest teachers and students in my life before 2007. But, also, I have become anew myself. I went through many years of searching and traveling this earth in the way it has been set up so I could live here and understand myself and human behavior. This is what led me to study many areas of academics and subjects that are required of a medical doctor or a lawyer. After serving out most my life as an investigator having to deal with writing investigations for attorneys that included medical records, whether civilian or military attorneys, I learned a lot about others as well as myself. I learned to separate life into the categories of caused by self, others, and nature. I never could prove to myself in all the thousands of investigations that I completed that God was the cause of any of the problems that we are involved in on earth. I learned that there are times when we make faulty judgments and I also learned about how environment plays a major role. In all my investigations after I proved all findings of fact that could be recorded at the time, I was allowed to write a last paragraph that began it is my opinion that…
I soon learned that I realized that our essence was in our existence and that they were not the same thing. I learned that human beings are the main freewill concern on what happens in their lives even in a time of war. As hard as this is to grasp in theory, we all have to trace our decisions back to the point of origin which leads back to the creator or the source of the beginning of where the energy began in an investigation of human beings. This always leads back to the history of how one got their physical existence into a certain situation that led to me having to investigate their circumstances. Whether it was a civilian or a military member, the facts were usually based on their decisions. I learned that I was chosen to investigate human beings because of my true nature as a curious individual and one who thought that I may in some way be able to assist others in the legal and medical professions.
As a female who has already had four children, and twelve grandchildren on earth, I feel it is time to share more of who I am with others. I am now fifty-six years old and I began legally working in the year 1967 after completing entrepreneurial jobs such as acting as a babysitter, selling girl scout cookies, or magazines at school. I began learning about people from the time I was born on earth. Most people can relate to being born on earth to a family, and having to go to school to be educated. Most of us have to survive by working at a job. Where I live now in the Untied States, most people choose a career but those who do not complete education in college will to a technical school to obtain skills. When I was growing up, it was still possible to receive on the job training. It is becoming harder to do this and even many fast food chains and restaurants have training courses for their employees. I would like to see more people on earth become educated so that this world will be a better place and they can receive a better way in life and able to make better choices. This is one of the reasons, I shall keep writing articles for others to share.
I truly believe that we are in the process of change and beginning to anew this world in a new world and that we will all see a drastic change by the year 2012. There has been much speculation over the history that has been written down by humans through time. We have all types of ancient scriptures in different languages that have been used on earth. There are many different ancient cities that we are now unearthing and finding history that dates back to Medieval times. I strongly believe that our academic philosophy will now change. I have my own reasons and opinions for believing this not to mention divine guidance. I base this not own my experiences that I have shared in this article or the many others that I have written in 2007. I base this on my intuition and feelings of change inside my heart, my mind, my spirit, my soul, and my social awareness of all. I am not a trained historian or philosopher. I am simply a woman who has been blessed with many people, places, things, theories, and documentations in this life. I have learned that there are things in this world that have not been shared with the general populace of earth.
I have learned that there are reasons that have to do with church and state. For this reason, I should like to develop my own philosophy with my own theories and opinions on my path as a quest to find the truth and to assist self, and others on earth. I strongly feel that my intentions are good. I have many others who are supporting me on my path and in my research on earth. There are many who are superior to me in my ways of thinking, and there are many who are just catching up to believe similar to me. There are many levels of thought and many levels of existence on earth. Many call this levels of living, culture, education, and existence. There are those on earth who have been less fortunate than I. I choose to work with others who are seeing that there are many people and animals who are starving on earth. There are many of God’s creatures who are going to be extinct. It is my desire to find the answers in the humanities so that others who follow us on earth may learn that there were intelligent beings on earth that made good and right choices on earth so that they could enjoy life on earth without seeing human beings and animals starving.
I want to share with others that our essence and our existence are two separate things, and that one is spiritual and one is physical the way our creator intended life to be on earth! I believe that I am here among human beings at this time and dispensation to make a change and a difference on earth. I believe that I am here to experience life now and beyond 2012. I hope that there are others who will join me in making the world anew new world beyond 2012. I know beyond any shadows of doubt that the world is round and that there are other beings besides us as human beings on earth. In other words, I am here on earth at this time to share what I know and one thing is that alien civilizations exist! This is a call to others who believe that they are not only physical but spiritual. This is a plea to other human beings to come and share their stories about their lives on earth and let others know that you have similar thoughts and beliefs to that of the woman named Theresa. I was chosen to share what I know as a seer. I truly believe that prophecy has not forsaken us on earth, but we have forsaken prophecy. For this reason, I am here to share that I am but one female human being on earth that knows that there can be a better life for all human beings and animals on earth. All we have to do is to begin writing and sharing with each other our findings of facts in our areas on earth, and comparing our findings. We can then call attention to what could be better on earth in our areas of this world. We an share what our culture is doing to make life better for all of us on earth. Mother Teresa once entered a dark tunnel as she described the feeling of lack of hope as despair for our kind on earth. Mother Teresa wanted to see her savior as Jesus. As far as I know, she never had the vision or sighting of Jesus returning to earth. It is very possible that many Christians and Muslims will never see their saviors of earth before they die. If you will notice, there have been many people of many countries, languages, families, and cultures that have believed in a God but never seen the son of God return as the Christ. I am not saying that this will or will not happen in anyone’s lifetime that reads this now. I am saying that my creator who has been called God is telling me that this is the time for change. That the next five years should be about reflecting on this world and seeing what can be changed for the good. Despite the earth flying through space as only one planet in this galaxy, we are either all doomed and full or gloom or we are all saved and full of hope. I choose to accept my blessed gift as a seer who chooses to use her intuition and assisting in finding out way to communication and awareness through these times while I am here physically and spiritually on earth. Regardless of who you are and how you have been raised, and educated, won’t you please join others in sharing your thoughts and life on earth in the unicity of the intellectual potential of human beings. We are more than our existence and essence, we are considered as one as an intelligent species on earth.
By: Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris
Wisdom of Sarah Esther was passed Sarah Esther Richman Bolton was my grandmother on my earth families maternal side. My paternal grandmother was Sarah Elizabeth Thurmond Having come from two strong families originally from Europe, my roots are strongly embedded in the old ways and the old cultural traditions. Both my maternal and my paternal families wanted to dominate my spiritual growth process. Family Lineage is strong in American families. Mine was even stronger than usual.
I traveled with my grandmother to many places that my parents did not know about. It wasn’t that they would have minded, it was just that my grandmother was in some mystic secret wisdom orders that had to do with groups of women. Once I traveled to the state capital and was in a play dressed as an angel. It wasn’t the first time I had been on stage or been presented to hundreds of people. I was actually on television when I was only four years old. What I did wander was what was this all about in my life.
My small child’s mind was always taking in the scenery around me and I loved to travel. My grandmother was the biggest influence in my life and I miss her terribly as my first mentor and my guiding light on earth. My grandmother knew many people. She was involved in many professional groups and joined clubs. One was a woman’s club. They always seemed to have secrets with each other. I could tell that after the meetings, they would sometimes whisper things that I was not suppose to hear. That is the way with children, little pictures have big ears I always heard.
I was a special child. I was always told that I was pretty and that I was smart and that someday I too would become a leader and a professional. I wasn’t sure what that all meant at the impressionable age of four to eight but that was the time I was most influenced by this group. I still traveled although I became ill at around the age of eight. But, I still was allowed to go to the cave when I was nine years of age.
It was a long trip. My grandmother Sarah Esther took me and I will always remember this trip. I felt comfortable with my grandmother and I never missed my parents or brothers and sisters when I was with her. She had a way of telling me stories and I could tell they were important. I listened and knew that she knew that I was different and smarter than most children. She was my Sunday School teacher.
Sarah Esther was every child’s Auntie Mame. There was nothing this woman would not do for me. Sarah Esther taught me many songs about Jesus and to have joy in my heart. Sarah Esther was not the matriarch when I was born, that would be her mother, who was a school teacher. She was one who knew how to write in an ancient dialect besides English. Once, my mother showed me some writings that had been kept in the family by my grandmother. I still have them today. Mother has most of the originals. Some of them are similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics but Mother said that they were American Indian. I always wondered about that. Sarah Esther was my mother Theresa’s mother. But, My mother and Sarah Esther never was as close as a mother and daughter should be. I was the fortunate one when it came to learning what should be taught one who would someday share the spirit with others.
But, I always wondered why our spirit was so important. Jesus had been alive and had taught so many people, and we went every Sunday to a big church to worship. Why was it important that I learn all these oral lessons? Now I know. It was because there was much oral tradition in stories passed down in the families. We could write but apparently there had been times that writing down words was not to be trusted.
I found out that even though it was important that we learn to write that there were people who would not allow us to speak of what we knew to be the truth about Jesus. Jesus had a wife named Mary. I always knew that growing up and was not allowed to tell other children what I knew. My grandmother always taught me that Mary was good and was the mother of Jesus. Mary Magdalene was not a bad woman at all as some would have us believe. Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus.
She had a daughter named Sarah Esther and that was who my grandmother was named after. This was a wonderful thing for my grandmother and I always asked why my name was not Sarah when both my grandmothers names were Sarah.
That was never explained to me. When I was born I was given the name Theresa (Wilhelmina) Janette Thurmond and was always told that I was named after a great princess. I was going to be named Wilhelmina but mother did not want me to be called Willy for short. So, it stuck in my name as parenthesis on my baby book and in my life but, not on my birth certificate. But, I also have an alien family not of earth. I was born with a physical body but am of alien spirit that makes my soul.
Those of you who know of me know that I believe in aliens and that I am an alien hybrid. I believe in being in the world but not of it. I want to go home someday.
All my life I was always introduced to important men in many special church groups and clubs. I was always around the groups and clubs of men and women and were treated like royalty. I was always treated as an adult and was always dressed in the prettiest clothes of the time. The free masons were always nice to me. I learned that all the Masons were my friends. They would always protect me. My father was a free mason for years but he finally decided he would not be one after I became an adult. There are many reasons for that but that was his choice.
I realized that there were secrets among these masons and sometimes I could get a peak into their meeting halls and lodges. I was a child and they didn’t really allow children at all much less female children. The Masons were men and proud at that.
They were very secretive about their places where they would meet. I once got to go into the larger places of the Masons when I traveled as an adult. I was sent to these places for one reason or another and the greatest of the local leaders would sometimes show me certain rooms and some I was not allowed to see. These men would always be around me the rest of my adult life. I learned that after my grandmother had taught me all that she was allowed, that there would be other teachers for me. Some were from the old country that was parts of Europe. I was so many parts since there were four families on each side of my earth family. My mother had two parents and they had parents. Then there was all the relatives and I met people with many different names.
My family tree on my fathers side had been prepared by the Black family and was in Mississippi and in Missouri. There was French and that made me wonder why I never learned French. I was taught some but most of what I was taught was because I lived in Louisiana. I was told that we were safe in Louisiana and I had to learn English. I was an Anglo Saxon and I wasn’t even sure what that was. When I was told I could not be catholic and that I was a Protestant, I was not sure that I wanted to be a Baptist or a Methodist but, I was baptized a Baptist as was most all Christian children.
I had been told that our family was always of good royal blood but we had to become as common people in order to survive. That was part of the secret of who we were on both sides of my family. Now, in the south of the United States this was common. Many families had once been wealthy before the civil war. I was one who knew about the Northerners and the Southerners. I was taught to not be prejudiced.
My grandmother was always the one who said someday I would understand. That there would always be special angels watching over me. I was taught that I had to be good at spelling and writing. That someday I would be a writer of good things. I had written my first story in the third grade and was always taught to be a winner but to play fair. That it was not only how you played the game but how you conducted yourself. There were many ways of the world and I had to learn to be educated, good in school, and I was taught music and given piano lessons. I had dancing lessons and horse riding lessons, and was in band in school and a majorette.
I had a good life growing up but still the mystic secret wisdom of my grandmother was never shared outside of me until today. For a reason, I can only say is inspired, I chose to share what I know as mystic wisdom with others. I do not feel that knowing what I know to be the truth should be kept any longer. I feel it is time to let others know what I know.
There are stories in the Bible which are true. I know this to be the ten commandments and the stories of the prophets. There were five books and we were told that we were Jews since we believed in the old testament. Then I was taught that Jesus came and was the one who came to teach us about the new laws. We were to not only live by the ten commandments on earth but, to live under the new laws of Jesus. There was the love one another and to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I was taught that we had faith, hope, and charity in our hearts, minds, and souls but the greatest of all was love. To always have love in our hearts.
I know that we are to love one another on earth and that we are all the same in man ways. I know that there is a God but I also know that there is a God Mother. I was always taught this from the beginning of my life on earth. I was always taught that her name was sacred and that when I prayed I should pray to God and that he would also tell my God mother. As I got older, and was married, I joined my father’s church and married my husband in the church. I thought that this would make me happy. I was happy for years but after being allowed to pass a test to go to another level of religion for only those who proved themselves, I decided that I had a testimony of that church and religion but, that was also a part of me but not all.
I decided that God and my God mother wanted more for me. There was more to learn. I began to search. I found my grandmother who had passed over to the other side as one of my soul comforters and greatest rewarding spirits to speak with about what I was searching for. My grandmother Sarah Esther is still with me in spirit.
Many people may not believe in spirits or Guides or even the dead who has crossed over to the other side. I do! I believe that even though our loved ones pass over or leave this life and the physical body that they live on! I believe that there is a way, a path, and the truth to life on the other side of this life we call physically living on earth in mind, body, and spirit. My grandmother is still with me even though she is on the other side of the veil. The veil is simply the part that we cannot see with our own naked eyes. But, my grandmother taught me while she was on earth and she is still teaching me now.
You see, I am a seer, I am a visionary. I am who I am based on the fact that my grandmother, Sarah Esther took the time to teach me how to live a better life on earth. My grandmother took the time to teach me about Jesus and his life on earth and that he was a great master teacher. Sarah Esther taught me that Jesus was married to Mary and that she was a great master teacher also. My grandmother taught me that men and women were in physical form only for a time. Then men and women pass onto a spirit place where there is a waiting period before they can once again return into physical bodies if they so choose.
When I died once on earth, I remembered my teachings. I had placenta previa giving birth to my forth child. I was very lucky having lost all the blood in my body. There was not enough in the hospital and they found people who save me with their blood. I was fortunate to have lived through a critical time. I still remember the heart stopping in intensive care unit over and over again. My grandmother was still alive then but, she was keeping me in her thoughts and gave me strength to go on.
It was my grandmother who taught me that we were special and chosen by God. It was my Grandmother who taught me how to be a better person on earth and to not only care about living for my self but to live for others. I loved my mother very much and she was with me the whole time I had died and came back to life. My mother stayed with me three days before she was reminded that she had a new baby grand child that was living and well. Mother never left my side. My grandmother was out of state but she came to stay with me soon after. I had my husband’s grandmother with me and the women were all very special and very special spirits.
I was blessed with women who knew what it was like to have children and also knew what it meant to have trouble such as placenta previa and to have cardiac arrest.
I now know that Sarah Esther was teaching me mystic secret wisdom while she was on earth and still is today from the other side of this physical life in spirit. I am part of her and all the generations before me that have lived on earth. Although I do recognize that I was special and come from a special lineage on earth, I was also the one to share the truth on earth about God and Godmother and Jesus and Mary Magdalene. There has been stories coming forth at this time in life about what is real and what is not real. I know that there is truth in the Bible, the old and new testament, the Koran, the Kabala, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hammadi text, and many other books on earth including the Book of Mary, Book of Thomas, Book of Nicodemus, and many others just now coming in to mainstream knowledge and education.
To me, this is simply old cultural traditions that has been passed on from one generation to the next in oral tradition. Maybe some people thought that all the truth was not for the public to know. Maybe the Jews, Christians and Muslims would like to keep on with the differences that they believe about words and what their scriptures really were meant to say. I know that my God and my God mother and Jesus and Mary and Mary Magdalene did not want the type of religions that are on earth today. I know that the Gnostic Christians and the Essenes as do many new churches want to believe in the old ways.
I am here to tell you that I am sure that my God and mother goddess, Jesus and Mary, would only want what they left behind in oral tradition. They never did create the Bible. There was the ten commandments and there were the words of Jesus and Mary. Jesus and Mary went to preach in Turkey, India, and what is considered Pakistan now. Jesus and Mary finally decided to live in what is now part of France. There is a tomb of Jesus and his brother James who he admired. This is the mystic secret wisdom of Sarah Esther. We are all one and the same spirits of joy.
ALIENS of 2012 and BEYOND
By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
Aliens of El in 2012 and beyond will continue to exist. Beings on earth were put here by ancient aliens of El. El was the word used for God. Beings were put on earth with a hierarchy of beings. El was always to be the highest ruler. There is a hierarchy that includes El and the chosen beings. The High Council of twelve rules over our galaxy and others as well.
One thing that will be obvious to those who understand is that every 13,000 earth rotations of years on earth, there is a change that occurs in the heavens. This is to occur once again and will be seen in heaven above earth in about 2012.
Many of the people who were here before Christ believed in El in order to survive. It was their belief in God that kept their spirit and souls alive. There were many levels of existence on earth through the ages for human beings. Some became wealthy, some were leaders, and some beings served other beings as slaves.
There is so much to know and to discover about earth and our history. There has always been a system or class of beings on earth. We may not want to think back on how life was in the past but, there was life before earth. Life has steadily become aware of itself and how to exist on earth. Life on earth is becoming one once again as is the order of things to occur before 2012.
One reason I am communicating to
The pyramids were built by human beings with the assistance of higher intelligence beings. One might be correct in saying that the pyramids were built as alien pyramids. The alien pyramids were built for a reason. The pyramids were built to serve as markers form space.
On earth, there are three sets of pyramids strategically located near the civilizations of human beings on earth. One set in Africa, one set in Egypt, and one set in Mexico.
Three sets in order to use as markers on earth from space, or to be seen from high above.
There is much intelligence of the ancient beings on earth that has been lost or is still hidden from view. We as human beings are suppose to search as part of our history. We are natural born peaceful explorers. Exploring is what we do not just on earth but in space. If we are not exploring, then we should be teaching. If we as humans are not teaching then we should be learning. Three things that intelligent beings do are explore, teach, and learn.
Human beings throughout time in history have allowed certain sects to form and create belief systems, religions, and empires. History has shown that we have destroyed much of what has happened on earth due to some natural catastrophes but also due to some human beings and their cultural civilizations.
Fortunately, some of us are here to share some of the shards of truth that were destroyed.
For example, the Library of Alexandria, one historical archive location was burned and destroyed for the most part. This is but one example of our ignorance due to allowing warring social gatherings of beings power over the whole civilized population. There are so many times in our ancient civilizations history that made for loss of more than beings.
As a whole once civilized nation of intelligent beings on planet earth we must learn from our mistakes made in the past throughout time and history. This is now what the pyramids represent. If you need proof that ancient astronauts lived then look proof on earth and in space.
Intelligent beings do not exist without each other. Nor do other intelligent beings in another galaxy exist without desiring to assist other younger galaxies. We assist each other. This is our creators design. This is the plan. We explore, we teach, we learn, and we grow new environments, we learn from our past experiences, we look forward to creating future growth, and due to our human nature, we are motivated to explore, teach, and learn. Survival is simply the mainstay of existing in order to exist on earth or another planet. This is not enough.
We have a master plan and are guided by the High Council.
These are ancient beings that have always been are aware of the power of the creator. There are higher intelligent beings who will assist the beings who live under their rule. There are masters of knowledge. There are those who are chosen to rule.
The pyramids are a reminder that we are not alone on this planet and that there are higher intelligent beings.
The pyramids were built and only later allowed for the Kings to use as burial chambers. These Kings knew that they were guided by those from space. Only the rulers and a few chosen spirit beings on earth were taught of the higher beings existence. For example, Hipparchus understood that systematically the stars shifted from positions. There was very little interference in the evolution of the human race from those from upon high. One fascination was in numbers such as pi 3.14... And the number 12, 9600 used in ancient Babylon. On earth there was a civilization
For historians, look far beyond those known civilizations of the Minoans, and Cretes, in a time before the ice age one earth. There are findings left to search out as explorers on earth. There was a time of Lemuria and Atlantis. There were times on earth when human beings were given technology that was to sophisticated for their people. Destruction occurred during that time that was created by human being on earth. The Lemurians were a peaceful civilization with many great qualities. Atlanteans were a great race but were not as intelligent and peaceful enough to handle the high technology of nuclear and laser technology. We once again had to wait for human beings to evolve in mental capacity.
We are now ready to embrace theories about space-time and other theories that excel the speed of light. We are more able to accept truth as more than being science fiction and fantasy. Time is relative and not absolute. When we go to the space carrier one minute on earth equals one day in our space place. Time slows down as an object gains momentum in space. There are wormholes that can be traveled in space to get from one galaxy to another therefore bypassing what we know on earth as light speed, a theoretical limit of acceleration.
The Torah Code is ready to be broken and there are some keys and adjustments that have to take place first. If we can’t accept that alien intelligent beings assisted beings in building the pyramids, how can we as a race of intelligent beings on earth be trusted with the Torah Code? For researchers and seekers of the Torah Code and Da Vinci Code mysteries, follow and keep seeking mysteries of the pyramid markers. TJTM
By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
The intelligent beings that we think we are do not compare with the alien intelligent beings that are now monitoring earth and always have. We are a race of humanoids put on earth by ancients and we are created in their images. We will be allies with those from the nearby Galaxy Andromeda when an attack by a warring race comes.
It is inevitable the way that the bodies rotate in the galaxies. There are wormholes that come and go that can be predicted by intelligent beings that explore the galaxies. The intelligent beings that are in contact with spiritual beings on earth have always chosen who they chose to communicate with on earth. Many are called but few are chosen. Many mansions hath our father in heaven. As above, so below.
There is a reason that we have certain memory codes in our genetic threads of DNA. There is also a reason that there is a raison de’ tre, reason for living not just existing. We are the star seeds of those who have come before us in ancient times.
We are they who were planted here one of four root races and it was the plan for us to become the fifth. There are actually over 87 species of intelligent beings in the allied federation of intelligent beings that coordinate together to defend galaxies.
There are warring galaxies. For lack of better words, there are human beings that are coming up with a name for these warring beings, they are now on earth referred to as reptilians. The grays are allies and have always been allies. They can come and go from the earth’s atmosphere much easier than the humanoids that we are designed after in form. Most all humanoids have the same torso, head, arms, legs, and similar equipment designed to breath an oxygen and hydrogen atmosphere.
At one time, the earth was not located in the present position. Mars was located here and had the same makeup as earth. Mars was knocked out of the position where earth is located now while rotating around the sun. Both planets are still in the Milky Way Galaxy.
The Andromeda Galaxy is the closest inhabited galaxy with intelligent beings. There are others. There are more than 87 varieties when we had last count given. There are many human beings on earth that are presently aware of the many alien humanoid beings due to some have crashed on earth. Some crashes were planned and others were simply accidents after coming and leaving earth’s atmosphere.
For instance, the Roswell crash was actually two alien spacecraft that were on a mission to earth. There were actually five (5) alien spacecraft left in strategic positions on earth. The Roswell spacecraft commonly referred to as a galaxy universal shuttle (GUS) was left intact. The alien spacecraft that was picking up the two grays allies had picked up the two pilots. The four pilots known as our allies and grays as they are called on earth could be considered small or little people. The grey suits they wear are of a mesh that has not been seen on earth prior and the filaments were for protection.
The two pilots that were flying the older alien aircraft were killed on impact. The two that had flown Gus were injured. One severely, and one would have lived had he not been shot by a trigger happy troop of the army at the time.
The two alien spacecraft were found. One was in pieces over a scattered area. This was the one that imploded while still in the air before crashing. It was a small miracle that two of the pilots lived. Unfortunately, at the time, human beings were too afraid of what they represented. At the time nuclear propulsion was being used.
The alien spacecraft was fueled by nucleonic fusion of a type that is not known on earth. Basically, the alien spacecrafts can scoop up in a type of scoop in the front and it goes into the nuclear power generator and is separated from the trash. The nuclear trash then is thrown out of the back foil area of the alien spacecraft. There is back engineering available to us on earth when we are ready.
We will not however receive the actual alien construction nor the alien material used which of course is not of the earth. The material is formed on another planet as is the technology. In our history, we were once given technology too early in our evolution. It was a disaster. We then were shown alien aircraft coming and going.
We have since been given a change and a chance for only a few of us to be considered as those who had progressed enough with an open mind to work not only with our governments but with the aliens. There are still people that do not want to believe the truth even after sixty years have passed and many people of that era in Roswell have since passed away. This is not acceptable of our human race.
This is the time to recognize that there are reasons for the aliens desiring to come and go. But, until enough of us can accept that they are our allies, and if the military will recognize that they will not be given complete control over the alien spacecraft then we can complete our missions on earth.
There is much to be considerer. First, we must reach an agreement not to panic. We must all on earth realize that there is a race of intelligent beings that have chosen to rape and pillage planets in galaxies. They desire to take what they can for their own use and have no regard or empathy for other intelligent beings.
Then there are other intelligent beings that are humanoids who through the galaxies have created allies of many other humanoid intelligent beings. They have all banded together. They do not desire to interfere with our own progressions and evolution.
Some of the human beings on earth have been given the chance to make changes for us all. Some who I will not mention have taken the laser technology and nuclear weapons into consideration. We on earth have been found not ready to cooperate.
We are still warring among ourselves on earth. This is not good for other alien intelligent beings and they do not want to participate in our destruction.
It is the desire of the intelligent beings that we grow in our thought process, be it our spiritual growth as a whole planet of intelligent beings desiring to communicate, be educated in higher technology, and to be considered peaceful explorers of other galaxies. We are just now reaching the outer realms in the stellar regions of space.
There is much for us to know and NASA is the largest representative with the United Nations that is watched by our Galaxy Friends and Allied Federation of Galaxies. There is a high council that is chosen that rules and governs all of these intelligent beings. They live in another galaxy that is many light years away.
Time as we know it is not considered in their lives. They aliens work in shifts. The aliens are all assigned jobs and careers. The details are not important at this time.
What is important is that others on earth learn what I know to be the truth. That the countries on earth that are aware of the five (5) monitoring alien spacecraft allow for the inhabitants of this planet to know the truth. This is the beginning. The rest will happen with or without the governments approval by way of progress.
There is a reason for us to be here. There is a reason for us to learn that we are not alone on planet earth. Just as Columbus traveled from Spain to America, and found new ground, so will we when we are ready.
The reason that the aliens are not seen are for several reasons. They can come and go as they please now without fear. They are in the same bodies as humans of earth.
They do not desire to cause alarm and for now with the way earth beings are so fearful and can panic at a moments notice, there has been no reason to make themselves known to all of humankind.
But, I as only one spiritual being on earth declare that my spouse, my husband, in his position as a Commander was making decisions for us all based on the time that was assigned to him in the last century. I put forth to all that want to know the truth that there will be a cultural and spiritual evolution that will take place with or without the non-believers.
For many, they will consider the non-believers as stuck in the old way of thinking. This is inevitable and it has nothing to do with religion. Religion is a control and can cause fear. Fear among human beings has caused religious wars due to not wanting to change for fear of being outcast from the various cultural societies that human beings have created out of superstition.
There of course was always laws written that were passed down from above to assist us in our eternal progression. Some of these laws have been followed. Some have not. The reason for all the religions and wars all stem from control factors. There of course is the Bible, Koran, Kabala, Dead Sea Scrolls, Bag Avad Gita, and many other religious scrolls that have been translated from ancient languages and been misinterpreted in the translations from Roman, Hebrew, Greek, Coptic, and other languages.
There is no need for us to keep antagonizing poor countries into submission because of our own countries belief systems. They are all variations on the same theme. We all come from another place, another galaxy. This is no surprise. We all have spirits and souls. We are to return to our own kind to be counted among those who have progressed into intelligent human beings with a cause to assist others of our kind succeed and have health and prosperity.
There is a plan for all of us. There is a plan from our creators. The plan is now to introduce us to our future which includes other intelligent beings from other galaxies.
History will prove these words and there is no reason to wait until 2012 to accept this. There has always been alien landings and always will be. Some of us are privileged to the information. We are the chosen but are only chosen for a period of time until all have accepted the fact that will come easier and in an accelerated speed due to our technology and the Internet.
Don’t let beings control you with fear. There will always be some threats to our planet. There will always be ways to leave earth. What the alien spacecraft offer is a way to go to other galaxies in space. There are major space ports. Are we ready?
I say yes. I cannot complete my job with GUS until the Pentagon decides that the world is ready to know the truth.
There is no better way to tell the truth. The alien spacecraft is kept hidden underground in America and there are two of us who have been chosen to fly GUS out of the hidden underground facility for all human beings to accept as our new beginning on earth. I am expecting the world and the United Nations to make the decision before 2012. If not, then maybe the Allied Council will agree with me if enough people unite in the understanding that we are not alone in this universe.
The decision is not up to me. I wish it was. This is a test of spiritual soul progression of a humanoid species.
This is an acknowledgement that we are ready to work together on earth. There are people in power that know we exist. There are people who know that I speak the truth. But, there must be enough of us to prove to our alien allies that we can work together as one race of humanoid intelligent beings.
The beings will be working along side of us as they always have. The only difference will be that the population of beings on earth will be knowing what many have always known. The truth! War in heaven is inevitable, aliens exist, accept this fact of life, and all nations are alien nations under GOD. We are aliens to our allies.
Alien UFOs are a way of letting more people know that we are not alone in this galaxy. We are a part of the universal family. Humanoids are now shouting the truth as obvious and will not live in ignorance any longer. The High Council and the alien UFO are supporting our choices for change. Some past writers referred to the aliens as Gods. The people grasped on to this theory. No longer will the aliens choose to allow for our ignorance on earth. We are working together. We have now reached a time in our own humanoid evolution that effects mass change in media.
I came out so to speak, in 2007 with UFO Association,, and Roswell Connection, Although I grew up believing in alien UFOs many did not. I was allowed first hand experiences. Now, I am joining with others shouting we are not alone in this universe. We are universal beings. We are but on galaxy among millions. We want to be recognized as one of the intelligent being ascension races. Enough of us are calling for the truth and the change is occuring. This was what many religious leaders have predicted and expected. But, they too are now waking up to the fact that God, prophets, aliens, UFOs were part of our history on earth needed to accept the truth in our own spiritual evolution on earth.
I have been asked to share what I know by others encouragement on earth. I lived my whole life on earth having what are completely normal activities filled with involvement from more than two families. I am fortunate enough to have much social involvement that include not only those who feel that they are simply earth families, to those who know that they are part of out of this world families.
For many people, this is only the beginning of understanding that the mass social revolution has begun. People on earth are able to open up and to communicate with others via the Internet online using the world wide web.
Before 2000 there was a mass media concern of computers shutting down called the Y2K scare.Then, September 11, 2001, there were terrorists concerns which triggered infighting among the humanoids on earth. I had concerns about earth as did many other concerned intelligent beings.
I went through many mental and physical changes. This change has already occurred and cannot be stopped. Many people have gone through this mass transformation. I suggest that we all become aware of our environment, our motivation, and other concerns for our future evolvement.
We as humanoids will now be able to communicate our mass interests in the global population. There are many humanoids who will decide that the global population should still be sectioned based on cultural and social traditions. All of this is considered but, the changes have already begun. We will all be part of the global social acceptance that we are all part of the universal population as our creator intended from the beginning.
We on earth are influenced by the media, our Associated Press releases, and now on the Internet.We will all be able to continue mass communication as individuals thanks to technology. Now, we can no longer be kept from the fact that alien UFOs exist and always have been part of life.
Alien UFOS are real and always have been part of our culture on earth. There were just many ways to keep the truth from the masses. No longer will this be the case. Now is the time for all good humanoids to come to the aid of their planet. This was stated earlier in one of my articles.
As you can see, for those of you who have been keeping up with my articles since 2007, there is much change and acceptance since others published articles. We do effect positive change. We are now getting media attention. Media is now recognizing the truth and it is on main pages. This is the power we have when we work together in spirit. The fact that change is good and that knowing the real truth about what has been kept in the shadows for so long is effecting everyone.We are going to become better, feel better, act better, think better, and know better.
There is hope for the masses on earth. Our prayers have been answered. We will now be able to hold our heads up high, and know that we have media support sharing what we already knew. We knew the truth but were afraid to share it with others because we were in fear of the old ways of being cast out of our social society. We were afraid of being ridiculed or at worst being approached by governments to stop sharing the truth.
There is now anything that governments can do now to hold back the truth and the change that is happening to the masses. We shall overcome has never been more appropriate than now in time.There are many who have endured shame and ridicule from others, many writers, lecturers, and public figures who chose to share the truth and were found not wanted. This is always the way it has been in the past. Part of our entire growth process of having to endure alone what others could not accept as the truth.
Thank you all my friends who have been supportive of humanoids that wanted to tell but were afraid. Thank you for those strong spiritual souls who had to bear the brunt of the ridicule. Thank you for all of you believers who tried their best to hold on to their faith, hope, and charity. Many were sure that the masses would all cower to ridicule due to the separations of church and state.Many were weak and could not bear to be a part of the social culture and environment. Many were afraid to think about alien UFOs and to be themselves. These days are now over. We are not alone in this universe and it is now an accepted findings of fact.
The media is sharing knowledge, sharing the photos, the videos, the news media stories. The truth is more accessible. Let all of us that have supported the alien UFO community do our part. Please assist others by asking them to tune into the paranormal, supernatural, alien UFO sights. We have so many and the ones that are sharing the truth are the supporters of those like us who know we come from above. Our spirits are from another place and our mental and physical bodies are simply vessels to fulfill our growth process. For those that need to catch up on some of the basics, please read my articles I have shared with Dirk Vander Ploeg on UFO Digest and others. There are many websites and most of them are sharing the truth in various ways in many words.
Thank you NASA, thank you Television, thank you History Channel, Discovery Channel, We, ABC, CNN, and all others not mentioned who are assisting us with sharing the truth about alien UFOs. The media recognizing the truth is assisting alien UFOs in changing the culture. WHAT IS ENLIGHTENMENT?
By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
As a writer of the paranormal and supernatural, as one who claims to have contact with alien intelligent beings from another world; I am to acknowledge the fact that one of the readers of the UFO Digest, and one who also has many visitors to their own websites has asked me as a psychic medium channel, to respond in writing to their question. What it is that I think makes me different, and what is enlightenment.
I am sure that my divine creator, the omnipresent, wants me to know everything there is to know in this universe. I keep searching for all the answers to my questions in many lifetimes. I submit and suggest that what I know of enlightenment would be described below in words as my answer.
Using all that was meant to be used as part of the spiritual soul’s progression.
The definitions are hard to define in the English language but, being human and alien I will offer some words that may console. Others can retrieve another meaning as being.
Ascension Beings who desire to return as masters have a spirit that defines the soul as part of the omnipresent. Avatar masters have learned to control their spiritual soul and can come and go at will in the present, the future, and the omnipresent. Ascension beings are not concerned with their past or their reincarnate spirits any longer on earth. Their spirits have ascended and live in another plane of energy described as angels and guides.
On earth, the psychological meaning is to experience conscious beyond the ego and id.
There are five (5) levels available to traditional thought using the humanoid physical and mental capacity of the brain kept in physical body, spirit, and soul.
Enlightenment may be said is what is at the end of the path.
Enlightenment at the end of the path.
When someone becomes enlightened it means traditionally that their development has come to an end.
This is not true in what is taught now as evolutionary enlightenment of the reincarnates.
Evolutionary enlightenment is now described as this; To experience beyond the ego and ID in the development beyond the highest levels beyond the ego.
This is now described as being and existing higher than the conscious state of mind.
There are give (5) levels to the state of being enlightened.
We now combine the eastern and western philosophies only to discover that we have met each other and have been informed as to where the rest of our being is kept.
The five (5) levels of being: Conscious, sub-conscious, super conscious, spirit conscious, soul conscious
Life is a gift. We come and go in our physical beings experiencing as reincarnates.
We come and we go from this plane of existence living spiritually, consciously, and philosophically.
We come into a relationship with self only to learn that we are not alone in this universe. Philosophically speaking, there is a relationship path and we go from being a single spirit alone to becoming a part of the whole community of spirits with others.
It is for self to be reminded that we are not alone and must be more global minded as a community of spiritual souls who are like minded in existing in a peaceful environment.
We are spiritual souls who are gathering together. This is a time of gleaning together.
Human beings as a race of humanoids, intelligent beings has the capacity to join each other. Through out history, human beings have been able to come together in ways that were unselfish. To prove this point, in times of disasters, catastrophes, we have been able to come together in unselfish ways to assist each others communities to survive and then thrive once again.
Another point in time is when we were threatened at time of war, we were in fight or flight for our lives and we chose to fight together for what is right such as freedom. We learn to forget our differences and we work together to rebuild our environment.
When the threat goes away, we return to our past ways. This is the time to make all of us aware on earth that there are other races on intelligent beings coming together for a higher purpose.
In the past way of life on earth, when the threat goes away we return to our own past communities and ways of life.
Reasoning and logic is now coming together. People are now speaking out with their new technology open to them via the world wide web.
In wartime, there is a threat, but it comes from another. On earth, there have been many wars. Some being for land, and some being for religion or holy wars.
In the future, after 2012, we will be enlightened as a race of intelligent beings on earth enough to accept that we are now alone in this universe. We will be able to accept that we will be faced with a future that includes other intelligent beings in the universe. Some of these intelligent beings are peaceful warriors and live next door in the Andromeda galaxy who only want to protect their way of life and ours on earth.
The other race of intelligent beings that we now refer to as aliens have one goal in mind. To protect their world. Their galaxy is populated with intelligent beings much older than the race of intelligent beings on earth. They have knowledge and technology.
Alien civilizations exist and for our own survival we must join this other race of peaceful intelligent beings .
We must all rally together for the survival of our planets and inhabitants of intelligent beings. Protecting both galaxies will be the way.MISSION:
To protect inhabitant peaceful planets with global sharing thereby ending global suffering. We will begin the cultural evolution of synergism and not cynicism. The meaning of higher values for all not just one. We will challenge ourselves in space.
We realize we all have a spirit and define our souls as one among many. We are intelligent beings on a planet that exist as only one among many in this universe.
Enlightenment is knowing that we are only one intelligent being among many in this universe. We are all a part of the whole of the humanoid race of intelligent beings.
Enlightenment is knowing past your self and into the whole as one enlightened being among the many who will exist in the future and have existed in the past.
Enlightenment is knowing all there is to know on earth and in this universal existence.
Knowing that to be is to search out all there is to know about what makes the Akashic field of energy exist. Enlightenment is knowing that there is always more to learn.
Enlightenment is knowing that there is always more to learn about not just this world but others that were created to explore, teach, and learn about in a lifetime on earth.
Enlightenment is knowing, being, and understanding all there is to know in this universe.
Enlightenment is imparting knowledge and embracing the wisdom in the humanoid thought process of other intelligent beings beside the one and soul self. Sharing light. Having wisdom to embrace any subject matter, an emoticon. Having the ability to undulate sometimes in a unique situation rather than in unison with others of like spirit.
An enlightened soul knows everything and is aware of all inclusive as in everything and everyone. For example: One is all knowing and enlightened when one can absorb and understand all the information obtainable in the Akashic field of energy of Omnipresence.WHAT IS ENLIGHTENMENT?
By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
As a writer of the paranormal and supernatural, as one who claims to have contact with alien intelligent beings from another world; I am to acknowledge the fact that one of the readers of the UFO Digest, and one who also has many visitors to their own websites has asked me as a psychic medium channel, to respond in writing to their question. What it is that I think makes me different, and what is enlightenment.
I am sure that my divine creator, the omnipresent, wants me to know everything there is to know in this universe. I keep searching for all the answers to my questions in many lifetimes. I submit and suggest that what I know of enlightenment would be described below in words as my answer.
Using all that was meant to be used as part of the spiritual soul’s progression.
The definitions are hard to define in the English language but, being human and alien I will offer some words that may console. Others can retrieve another meaning as being.
Ascension Beings who desire to return as masters have a spirit that defines the soul as part of the omnipresent. Avatar masters have learned to control their spiritual soul and can come and go at will in the present, the future, and the omnipresent. Ascension beings are not concerned with their past or their reincarnate spirits any longer on earth. Their spirits have ascended and live in another plane of energy described as angels and guides.
On earth, the psychological meaning is to experience conscious beyond the ego and id.
There are five (5) levels available to traditional thought using the humanoid physical and mental capacity of the brain kept in physical body, spirit, and soul.
Enlightenment may be said is what is at the end of the path.
Enlightenment at the end of the path.
When someone becomes enlightened it means traditionally that their development has come to an end.
This is not true in what is taught now as evolutionary enlightenment of the reincarnates.
Evolutionary enlightenment is now described as this; To experience beyond the ego and ID in the development beyond the highest levels beyond the ego.
This is now described as being and existing higher than the conscious state of mind.
There are give (5) levels to the state of being enlightened.
We now combine the eastern and western philosophies only to discover that we have met each other and have been informed as to where the rest of our being is kept.
The five (5) levels of being: Conscious, sub-conscious, super conscious, spirit conscious, soul conscious
Life is a gift. We come and go in our physical beings experiencing as reincarnates.
We come and we go from this plane of existence living spiritually, consciously, and philosophically.
We come into a relationship with self only to learn that we are not alone in this universe. Philosophically speaking, there is a relationship path and we go from being a single spirit alone to becoming a part of the whole community of spirits with others.
It is for self to be reminded that we are not alone and must be more global minded as a community of spiritual souls who are like minded in existing in a peaceful environment.
We are spiritual souls who are gathering together. This is a time of gleaning together.
Human beings as a race of humanoids, intelligent beings has the capacity to join each other. Through out history, human beings have been able to come together in ways that were unselfish. To prove this point, in times of disasters, catastrophes, we have been able to come together in unselfish ways to assist each others communities to survive and then thrive once again.
Another point in time is when we were threatened at time of war, we were in fight or flight for our lives and we chose to fight together for what is right such as freedom. We learn to forget our differences and we work together to rebuild our environment.
When the threat goes away, we return to our past ways. This is the time to make all of us aware on earth that there are other races on intelligent beings coming together for a higher purpose.
In the past way of life on earth, when the threat goes away we return to our own past communities and ways of life.
Reasoning and logic is now coming together. People are now speaking out with their new technology open to them via the world wide web.
In wartime, there is a threat, but it comes from another. On earth, there have been many wars. Some being for land, and some being for religion or holy wars.
In the future, after 2012, we will be enlightened as a race of intelligent beings on earth enough to accept that we are now alone in this universe. We will be able to accept that we will be faced with a future that includes other intelligent beings in the universe. Some of these intelligent beings are peaceful warriors and live next door in the Andromeda galaxy who only want to protect their way of life and ours on earth.
The other race of intelligent beings that we now refer to as aliens have one goal in mind. To protect their world. Their galaxy is populated with intelligent beings much older than the race of intelligent beings on earth. They have knowledge and technology.
Alien civilizations exist and for our own survival we must join this other race of peaceful intelligent beings .
We must all rally together for the survival of our planets and inhabitants of intelligent beings. Protecting both galaxies will be the way.MISSION:
To protect inhabitant peaceful planets with global sharing thereby ending global suffering. We will begin the cultural evolution of synergism and not cynicism. The meaning of higher values for all not just one. We will challenge ourselves in space.
We realize we all have a spirit and define our souls as one among many. We are intelligent beings on a planet that exist as only one among many in this universe.
Enlightenment is knowing that we are only one intelligent being among many in this universe. We are all a part of the whole of the humanoid race of intelligent beings.
Enlightenment is knowing past your self and into the whole as one enlightened being among the many who will exist in the future and have existed in the past.
Enlightenment is knowing all there is to know on earth and in this universal existence.
Knowing that to be is to search out all there is to know about what makes the Akashic field of energy exist. Enlightenment is knowing that there is always more to learn.
Enlightenment is knowing that there is always more to learn about not just this world but others that were created to explore, teach, and learn about in a lifetime on earth.
Enlightenment is knowing, being, and understanding all there is to know in this universe.
Enlightenment is imparting knowledge and embracing the wisdom in the humanoid thought process of other intelligent beings beside the one and soul self. Sharing light. Having wisdom to embrace any subject matter, an emoticon. Having the ability to undulate sometimes in a unique situation rather than in unison with others of like spirit.
An enlightened soul knows everything and is aware of all inclusive as in everything and everyone. For example: One is all knowing and enlightened when one can absorb and understand all the information obtainable in the Akashic field of energy of Omnipresence.
Contact: Theresa J Morris (270) 274-9673 /
Ohio County Tourism - (270) 274-1090 & Ohio County Park & Camp (270) 298-4466